Burning pain in your chest. Stomach bloating and discomfort. Nausea after meals. Burping which never seems to end. These are just some of the symptoms of acid reflux which can turn your life into a never-ending nightmare. Thankfully, the article below details how you can make the symptoms disappear for good.
Opt for lean meats and food that does not have a lot of fat in it. If you indulge in greasy foods, like French fries, you are more likely to suffer from acid reflux. Try tracking your food for a week and seeing what triggers your heartburn. Adjust your diet accordingly.
If you’re experiencing acid reflux lately, try a new diet that consists of low-acid foods. Avoid spicy or acidic foods and eat your food slowly. If you still get acid reflux, it’s probably time to check in with your doctor. Although your problem may not be serious, it may require medication that your doctor can recommend or prescribe.
Avoid certain foods. Certain foods can trigger acid reflux, so it’s important to avoid them. Stay away from spicy, greasy or acidic foods, and try to avoid caffeine and alcohol. This is especially important if you are eating a late meal; whenever possible eat dinner at least three hours before bedtime.
Fatty foods no more! Fried chicken, pizza, chicken wings and potato chips are the enemy of the GERD sufferer. These foods cause your sphincter to relax, allowing the contents of your stomach, acid and all, to rise back up into your esophagus. Go for meals full of vegetables and lean protein instead.
Fat around your stomach doesn’t just put you at increased risk of type II diabetes, heart disease and stroke, it also causes you to be more likely to develop acid reflux or will worsen symptoms if you are already a sufferer. Lose weight by exercising moderately and eating low-fat, low-acid foods.
Keep chewing gum handy. When you chew gum, it not only freshens your breath, but it causes you to salivate. This helps wash acid down your esophagus and back into your stomach, where it belongs. When choosing a flavor, avoid citrus and mint. Mint can cause your esophageal sphincter to relax, and citrus is high in acid.
When you want to reach for a natural treatment for heartburn, consider licorice. You need to choose DGL licorice which doesn’t contain glycyrrhizic acid and therefore will not cause hypertension. Chewable tablets are your best bet before meals, and they can be found affordably at natural food retailers and health supplement shops.
Don’t exercise right after a meal. Your food can be pushed up into the esophagus as your abdominal muscles are flexing. If you must exercise after eating, at least wait an hour before doing it.
If you have excess fat in the abdominal area, it can cause you to experience acid reflux. This is because there is extra pressure in the abdominal area. The best way for you to reduce these symptoms would be for you to try to get some of the excess weight off.
Don’t just treat the symptoms of acid reflux with antacids. This does nothing to help reverse the damage caused to the esophagus caused by acid. You’ll need to make lifestyle changes that prevent acid reflux from occurring to allow the esophagus to heal itself and prevent serious problems in the future.
Put out the fire in your chest. Reduce your bloating. Stop the nausea for good. Use the tips and tricks you have read here to change your life for the better. As long as you start your journey towards wellness today, you’ll have relief in a short matter of time.