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In An Acid Reflux Jam? Get Out Of It With These Tips

Acid reflux can help make sure that you never feel comfortable no matter your surroundings. You don’t want to suffer through this day after day. Instead, you want a life that is free of this harmful and painful condition. Keep reading to find out how you can do this for yourself with some simple tips and tricks.

It is important that you don’t eat too quickly if you suffer from acid reflux. The slower you eat, the better! Not only will it allow you to begin to break down the food in your stomach, it will ensure that you feel full when you really are full, something that doesn’t happen if you eat too quickly.

Skinny jeans are the enemy of the acid reflux sufferer! Wearing tight clothes can block up your digestive system, causing you a great deal of pain when acid begins to back up. Go for elastic waistbands until you have your acid reflux under control, then you can consider getting back into your tight fitting pants.

Keep chewing gum handy. When you chew gum, it not only freshens your breath, but it causes you to salivate. This helps wash acid down your esophagus and back into your stomach, where it belongs. When choosing a flavor, avoid citrus and mint. Mint can cause your esophageal sphincter to relax, and citrus is high in acid.

When your symptoms are at their worst, mix 1 teaspoon of regular baking soda with eight ounces of water. Drink this slowly, one sip at a time, until your symptoms subside. Do NOT do this every day as baking soda contains a great deal of sodium which can lead to a myriad of other health problems.

Try eating your meals slower. Due to the extremely fast-paced world we live in, we tend to always be in a hurry. This carries over to our eating, causing us to eat way too fast. This increases the odds that we will overeat, which can cause acid reflux. Instead, take your time while eating. Thoroughly chew your food, and put down your fork after every few bites. Stop eating once you feel comfortable, not stuffed.

Wait to exercise after you eat. If you put off your exercise by at least an hour, the food will have a better chance to digest. Physical exertion right after you eat could cause the food to move back up toward the esophagus. This could be very uncomfortable and hard to fight.

Try popping a few pieces of chewing gum into your mouth every time you are feeling the symptoms of acid reflux. This will cause the body to produce a much larger amount of saliva than it does on a regular basis, and this will help neutralize the acid inside of the stomach.

Avoid wearing clothing that is restricting around your abdomen. Wear your belts loosely and avoid pantyhose that are tight if at all possible. These articles could push on your stomach. This pressure on the abdomen could easily lead to heartburn. You may have to do some sit-ups each day to avoid buying new pants and skirts that fit properly.

Exercise daily to help reduce acid reflux. These exercises should be low impact exercises such as walking. Gravity is known to help decrease the odds of acid reflux; therefore, go for a walk after eating to lessen the effects of stomach upset and increased stomach acids. Exercising will also help you lose weight which will aid in reducing acid reflux.

Take the advice that has been given to you here, and work towards eliminating acid reflux from your life. It’s not going to happen instantly, but you can be assured that the strategies here will help you. Do not subject yourself to that daily discomfort any longer, and make sure that you follow the advice that has been given to you.